Whether you own a cannabis business or are trying to break into the marijuana industry, you’ve probably discovered that the financial side of your business is more complicated than it is for companies in other industries. Legal marijuana businesses have a lack of access to banking institutions because of federal laws surrounding the industry, and some accounting and financial service companies either don’t understand the special needs of cannabis businesses or avoid working with these companies because of the extensive local and federal regulations facing the industry. Our cannabis business directory is the place for business owners to connect with experts who know the ins and outs of marijuana industry financial services. You’ll find cannabis industry accounting firms who know how to help your business with bookkeeping, tax code and tax filing, complicated financial regulations, payment processing and even the financial side of applying for and keeping up with licensing and other legal requirements. As the legal marijuana industry grows, more accounting and financial professionals are learning the ropes of cannabis regulation and offering their professional services to a cause they believe in. Continue checking the marketplace for new additions to our directory.
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